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Electroreception in vertebrates and invertebrates

  • 1 min read
Collins S.P. (2010) In: Breed M.D. and Moore J., (eds)

Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, volume 1, pp. 611 – 620 Oxford: Academic Press

This research by Collins proves that Shark Shield’s electrical impulses do not attract sharks: “It is true that the electroreceptive system is extremely sensitive (in the µV range). However, in practical terms and this has been born out in many behavioral tests, the electroreceptive system is a relatively short distance sense often working in the 30-60cm range. Since these animals use this sense to detect the presence of living prey items that may not be otherwise detected (i.e. under the substrate), they are really working at their detection limits. Therefore, although theoretically the Ampullae of Lorenzini can detect very low strength electric fields, they do not use them to track animate objects over these long distances.

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